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ADI Method
2011. 10. 27. 02:08
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % Example of ADI Method for 2D heat equation % % % % u_t = u_{xx} + u_{yy} + f(x,t) % % % % Test problme: % % Exact solution: u(t,x,y) = exp(-t) sin(pi*x) sin(pi*y) % % Source term: f(t,x,y) = exp(-t) sin(pi*x) sin(pi*y) (2pi^2-1) % % % % Files needed for the test: % % % % adi.m: This file, the main calling code. % % f.m: The file defines the f(t,x,y) % % uexact.m: The exact solution. % % % % Results: n e ratio % % 10 0.0041 % % t_final=0.5 20 0.0010 4.1 % % 40 2.5192e-04 3.97 % % 80 6.3069e-05 3.9944 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% clear; close all; a = 0; b=1; c=0; d=1; n = 40; tfinal = 0.5; m = n; h = (b-a)/n; dt=h; h1 = h*h; x=a:h:b; y=c:h:d; %-- Initial condition: t = 0; for i=1:m+1, for j=1:m+1, u1(i,j) = uexact(t,x(i),y(j)); end end %---------- Big loop for time t -------------------------------------- k_t = fix(tfinal/dt); for k=1:k_t t1 = t + dt; t2 = t + dt/2; %--- sweep in x-direction -------------------------------------- for i=1:m+1, % Boundary condition. u2(i,1) = uexact(t2,x(i),y(1)); u2(i,n+1) = uexact(t2,x(i),y(n+1)); u2(1,i) = uexact(t2,x(1),y(i)); u2(m+1,i) = uexact(t2,x(m+1),y(i)); end for j = 2:n, % Look for fixed y(j) A = sparse(m-1,m-1); b=zeros(m-1,1); for i=2:m, b(i-1) = (u1(i,j-1) -2*u1(i,j) + u1(i,j+1))/h1 + ... f(t2,x(i),y(j)) + 2*u1(i,j)/dt; if i == 2 b(i-1) = b(i-1) + uexact(t2,x(i-1),y(j))/h1; A(i-1,i) = -1/h1; else if i==m b(i-1) = b(i-1) + uexact(t2,x(i+1),y(j))/h1; A(i-1,i-2) = -1/h1; else A(i-1,i) = -1/h1; A(i-1,i-2) = -1/h1; end end A(i-1,i-1) = 2/dt + 2/h1; end ut = A\b; % Solve the diagonal matrix. for i=1:m-1, u2(i+1,j) = ut(i); end end % Finish x-sweep. %-------------- loop in y -direction -------------------------------- for i=1:m+1, % Boundary condition u1(i,1) = uexact(t1,x(i),y(1)); u1(i,n+1) = uexact(t1,x(i),y(m+1)); u1(1,i) = uexact(t1,x(1),y(i)); u1(m+1,i) = uexact(t1,x(m+1),y(i)); end for i = 2:m, A = sparse(m-1,m-1); b=zeros(m-1,1); for j=2:n, b(j-1) = (u2(i-1,j) -2*u2(i,j) + u2(i+1,j))/h1 + ... f(t2,x(i),y(j)) + 2*u2(i,j)/dt; if j == 2 b(j-1) = b(j-1) + uexact(t1,x(i),y(j-1))/h1; A(j-1,j) = -1/h1; else if j==n b(j-1) = b(j-1) + uexact(t1,x(i),y(j+1))/h1; A(j-1,j-2) = -1/h1; else A(j-1,j) = -1/h1; A(j-1,j-2) = -1/h1; end end A(j-1,j-1) = 2/dt + 2/h1; % Solve the system end ut = A\b; for j=1:n-1, u1(i,j+1) = ut(j); end end % Finish y-sweep. t = t + dt; %--- finish ADI method at this time level, go to the next time level. end %-- Finished with the loop in time %----------- Data analysis ---------------------------------- for i=1:m+1, for j=1:n+1, ue(i,j) = uexact(tfinal,x(i),y(j)); end end e = max(max(abs(u1-ue))) % The infinity error. mesh(u1); % Plot the computed solution. figure(2); mesh(u1-ue) % Mesh plot of the error