function [integral,difference,ratio]=trapezoidal(a,b,n0,index_f)
% function [integral,difference,ratio]=trapezoidal(a,b,n0,index_f)
% This uses the trapezoidal rule with n subdivisions to
% integrate the function f over the interval [a,b]. The
% values of n used are
% n = n0,2*n0,4*n0,...,256*n0
% The corresponding numerical integrals are returned in the
% vector integral. The differences of successive numerical
% integrals are returned in the vector difference:
% difference(i) = integral(i)-integral(i-1), i=2,...,9
% The entries in ratio give the rate of decrease in these
% differences.
% In using this program, define the integrand using the
% function given below. The parameter index_f allows the user
% to do calculations with multiple integrands.
% Initialize output vectors.
integral = zeros(9,1);
difference = zeros(9,1);
ratio = zeros(9,1);
% Initialize for trapezoidal rule.
sumend = (f(a,index_f) +f(b,index_f))/2;
sum = 0;
% Initialize for case of n0 > 2.
if(n0 > 2)
h = (b-a)/n0;
for i=2:2:n0-2
sum = sum + f(a+i*h,index_f);
% Calculate the numerical integrals, doing each
% by appropriately modifying the preceding case.
for i=1:9
n = n0*2^(i-1);
h = (b-a)/n;
for k=1:2:n-1
sum = sum + f(a+k*h,index_f);
integral(i) = h*(sumend + sum);
% Calculate the differences of the successive
% trapezoidal rule integrals and the ratio
% of decrease in these differences.
function f_value = f(x,index)
% This defines the integrand.
switch index
case 1
f_value = exp(x) * cos(4*x);
case 2
f_value = x.^(5./2);