
'English/Speaking'에 해당되는 글 3건

  1. 2010.11.08 브라이언 트레이시 연설문

브라이언 트레이시 연설문

English/Speaking 2010. 11. 8. 20:13 Posted by mathboy

Im very happy to be here

Thank you very much for coming tonight.

I promise you that time we spend together will be very valuable.

How many people here would like to double their income?

If I can show you how, will you give it a try?

I want to show you today how to double your income.

Im going to show you how everyone doubles their income and it begins with changing the way you think.

The starting point of doubling your income is very simple.

Is (to) make a decision to double your income and set it as a goal.

If you do that, everything else changes for you.

Now, I have some good news.

The good news is that were living in the very best time in all of human history.

South Korea has become a role model for the rest of the world.

South Korea is talked about all over the world as a model for what its possible in any countries and Im so honor to be with you.

I thank you very much for inviting me to come.


We have now entered into the 21century, and many things have changed.

One of the most important things that have changed is that we have left the world of physical work and weve moved into the world of mental work.

All your success is going to be determined by how well you think.

The most effective thinkers are the ones who will control the future and you are among the top 10% of the people in our society. How do I Know that? Its because youre here.

Its always the top 10% of the people who come to this program.

Its always the people who have a wonderful future who come to this program.

I know because Ive spoken to you and you are the people like this for more than 20 years and its always the best people.

So that is why I say you own the future if you decide to own the future.

The 21century is going to be the best time in all of human history.

Here is South Korean, Therere going to be more opportunities and more possibilities than ever in the history of this country.

Going back to 2332 years before a crisis when the Hermit king the most originally founded.

There will never be more opportunities in South Korea than now expect for tomorrow and the next day and for the rest of your lives.

This is a wonderful time to be alive.

This is the best time in history for us to be alive.


Now Ive spoken in 25 countries. Ive traveled in 90 countries.

I have learned different languages, not Korean.

But Ive learned different languages so that I could understand their cultures.

When I was in my thirties, I went to university and I took a business degree.

I spent thousands of hours of studies, I read thousands of books. I read hundreds of thousands of articles and I come to some ideas about why some people are more successful than others. And Im going to share those with you in the time that we have together.

So I have a question for you.

Who is the most important person in this room?

Exactly, you are the most important person in this room. You are the most important person in your own world. And here you are the most important person in your own world and heres what I discovered and it changed my life.

I discovered that how important you think you are determines almost everything that happens to you.

If you think that you are an important person. You like yourself more.

If you like yourself more, you set bigger goals for yourself.

If you like yourself more, you set higher standards for yourself, you persist longer.

The more you like yourself, the more you like other people, the more you like other people, the more they like you and want to be a business with you.

The more important you fell you are the more valuable you feel you are, the better is your health, and the better is your family. Heres what we discovered.

Parents who like themselves raise children who like themselves. Parents who like themselves raise children who have high levels of self-confidence.

Theyre all willing to take on every challenge to be successful.

The most wonderful thing you can do for your spouse and for your children. Is to like you and consider yourself to be a valuable person.

So I want you to say these words for me. I want you to say these words.

I like myself

From now on, whenever you think of any difficulty you simply say I like myself.

When I was young man, and I learned this my self-esteem was very low.

And your self-esteem is very much like a tire with a slow leak.

It starts to go flat whenever you go out to build your business or build your life.

So you have to keep pumping it up.

I like myself I like myself I like myself I like myself I like myself

Ever time you say I like myself your self-esteem goes up.

Ever time you have a difficulty or a problem, your self-esteem goes down.

When your self-esteem goes down, you pump it up, I like myself I like myself I like myself

When I started to work with this I would repeat this to myself 10 times, 20times, 50times a day.

I needed it, alright?  You should do the same thing.

But I dont suggest that you say this in crowded elevators or in public wash rooms.

But just say I like myself whenever you are going to a meeting.

You get yourself physiologically ready by talking to yourself in a positive way.

Heres what we have learned.

95% of your emotions are determined by the way you talk to yourself.

If you talk to yourself in a positive way, you have positive emotions.

You have more self-confidence, you have high self-esteem.

People like you, People want to do business with you.

What percentages of your decisions are emotional?

And what percentages of your decisions are logical or rational?

Well the answer is 100% of your decisions are emotional.

Human beings are completely emotional.

We decide with our emotions and then we justify it with logic.

If your want to build your business, remember this is how people feel about you.

Is the most important determination of what they do with you?

If they like you, and then like your personality then they want to be associated with you.

So when you go to work on yourself, you would improve every part of your life.

Final question, how many people here are self-employed?

Well, the true answer is that everyone is self-employed.

Everyone is the president of a company with one employee yourself.

You are the president of own your entrepreneur company with one service to sell and thats your services.

Even if you work for someone else for all your life, youre always self-employed.

You are always the president of your own personal services corporation.

Now this is important because the top 3% of the people in our society see themselves as a self-employed.

Average people think that they work for someone else. but then that means they think that someone else control their life.

That someone else makes decisions for them, that someone else would take care of them and love them and hold them.

Most people when they become adults go from their home with their mother and father to work and their boss become their mother and father.

And they want to be taking care of like little children. But the fact is that when you become an adult, you become the president of your own life.

Now I have a magic pen here and I got this pen is Switzerland. and its a magic pen that give me special powers.

And you shouldnt believe that. But by the powers vested in me I here double your all presidents. Youre all presidents, youre all CEOs, and youre all in charge of your own lives and your own companies.


If someone asks you where you worked tonight, you say you were at a presidents conference.

Yes, you got together with other presidents from around Seoul to learn how to run your business more profitably in the coming year.

If they say Well, Ive never heard about it

You say Well you probably werent on the list

They say What did they talk about it?

Youll say Well, mostly presidential matters

Theyll be a no interest theyll be a no interest to staffs.

In fact, if youre not with youre if youre not with your husband or wife tonight, afterwards you can phone home and say Im now the president of my own company

And your husband and wife- your husband and wife will say Oh, no youve been fired again But you are all presidents, right?

What thats simply means is that you accept for responsibility for your own life.

You do not blame other people for your problems, you do not make excuses, you do not complain about things that you dont like.

If you are not happy with something, you are the president, you change it.

If you have problems, you solve them.

If you have goals that you want to achieve, you achieve them. The big difference that Ive ever seen working all over the world, between people is that a small number of people like yourself are active; they take action to achieve their goals.

But the majority of people are passive.

They wait for someone else to come along and solve their problems.

Theyre waiting for a bus on a street where no buses go.

They keep waiting for the bus. And the bus never comes.

They keep waiting for someone else to come and improve their lives, But not you. You are the elite.

You are the top 10%, you are pro-active, you make things happen, you dont wait for things to happen.


But let me tell you about myself just a minute. I started off from a poor family. We did not have very much money. My father and mother did not always have jobs. From the time I was 10 years old, I worked in the neighborhood to earn my own money to pie pay for my own clothes, and I never took money from my parents again from the age of 10.

I did not graduate from high school.

I finished in the half of the class that makes the top half possible.

They say that everybody is good for something even if its only to be a bad example.

And I was a bad example. So when I left school, the only job that I could get was washing dishes in the back of small hotel.

And when I lost that job, I got a job washing cars with a car company and when I lost that job, I got a job washing floors with a janitorial service.

I thought that washing was going to be my future. But it was a downhill trail.

So when I lost those jobs, and lost when you say I lost a job

When you are young it means that you go fired,

When I got fired from these jobs, I would go to the next job.

I used to live in my car one time because I didnt have a place to live.

I would work in factories sometimes in the afternoon sometimes overnight.

I worked in sawmill and lumber mill in the mountains.

I worked in construction labor.

I worked on farms and ranches.

I worked on a ship in the northwest Atlantic.

I did laboring jobs for many years.

How many people here are in sales?

Well, thats when I got into when I couldnt get laboring job as well.

So I know where youre coming from.

So I got into sales, and I didnt know how to sell.

They told me that all you have to do is talk to enough people and youll be successful

Well, I wasnt afraid to work.

So I went and began talking to people but nobody bought anything.

So I would talk to more people and still nobody bought anything.

So I began to run from place to place.

So I could be rejected more often.

And I did this for about six months going around in circles.

And every so often occasionally I would make a sale which is just enough to stay alive.

Then when day I did something has changed my life and it brought us here together.

I went to the top sales man in my company.

He was selling 10 times as much as anybody else.

And I asked them What are you doing differently from me?

And he said, Well, let me see if I can help you

He said, Show me your sales presentation

I said, Whats a sales presentation?

He said, Well, its logical and orderly way of selling your product

And I said you mean there is a logical and orderly way of selling?

And he said Yes and he showed me a logical and orderly way.

Which Ill explain to you a little bit later.

And so I began to sell in a logical way.

Its very much like phoning with the telephone.

If I ask you for your phone number and I say Ill call you later

And youll give me a number.

Well I can take out my phone they provided this phones in the hotel.

I can take out my phone anyway and if know your number, I can put in your number

And phone will right and youll answer the phone you.

I can give the number to someone else, they can phone you.

As long as you have the right phone number, you can get through to the person.

But what if I said to you Ill phone you later this week?

And you say Yes.  I say goodbye and you say What? Dont you want my number? I say No, Its no problem. Ill find your own number by pushing the buttons.

And so Ill just push your number and say Are you 00?

No? I just push some more buttons.

How long will it take me to get through to a person?

If I just push the buttons randomly?

Probably my whole life probably never but if I have the right numbers in the right order, I could get through immediately.

If you sell in the right order, if you do anything in the right proper sequence, you make far better results than if you just do it randomly.

So he showed me how to sell systematically.

So I began selling in a logical order and my sales went up.

And then I began reading books on selling. And my sales went up.

And then I began listening to audio programs on selling and my sales went up.

And then I began to attend conferences like this.

And I still remember the first one that I attended Ive never been to on before

And I said and took notes and then I practiced what I learned.

And my sales went up, and up, and up.

And soon I was the top sales man.

Soon the person who started me was working for me.

Within a year I was in charge of all the sales people.

Within two years I was in charge of six countries.

And I had 95 sales people.

And my whole life was transformed.

Now what I learned was this.

What I learned was the all this law in human philosophy.

The local oldest law in human history is law of cause and effect.

The law of cause and effect says everything happens for a reason.

It says the success is not an accident.

Failure is not an accident.

I learned later that my friend who was earning 10 times as much as anybody else had worked for large company some years before the large company has been one year training him in professional selling.

As a result, he could go anywhere and any countries he could sell any products

Because he had a formula, he had a recipe, he had a system.

And once he shares the recipe with me I could sell as much as I want it, anywhere I went.

Once I share it with another people, they can sell as much as they want it.

Today when I travel around the world to countries that Ive worked in before where I recruit sales people I meet them again

And theyre millionaires, theyre wealthy, they all own their own businesses.

They own property, they have large bank accounts.

These are people that I recruited knew off the street.

Who had no money, had no jobs, and had no sales skills.


And I trained them in the method of selling.

And today theyre wealthy all over he world theyre rich.

I said down with a gentle man who worked for me many years ago last year.

He is now worth about 25million dollars.

And when he came to work for me, he had only old clothes, and no money. He had not eaten for about 2 or 3 days.

And I took him in and I gave him food and I got him clothes, and I taught him how to sell.

And today hes a very wealthy and powerful man.

He owns many businesses.

And I said to him I said you know

Im very proud of what you have made in your life of what you have accomplished

And he said yes he said and I still remember what I started when you taught me how to sell so many years ago

So is it possible? I have some news for you.

Nobody is better than you and nobody is smarter than you.

No one is better and no one is smarter.

That this is the major problem that we have in adult life when you are growing up, you compare yourself with other people.

Other people get better grades than you.

You work hard but still other people get better grades than you.

When I was going to school, I got terrible grades at school.

In fact, therere people in this room who got poor grades in school.

Yes, and we know who you and we know who you are.

You may be sitting next to one of those people right now.

This is what happens.

If somebody gets better grades than you, you think well, this person is smarter than me so therefore if this person is smarter then I must be dummer.

So therefore what should I try? Because hes smarter and Im dummer.

Then we go to the next stop.

We think well, if hes smarter than me, its probably better than me

But if hes better than me, then Im worse than his.

So then we think well, he must be worth more than me

So I must be worthless. And this is the big problem we have.

Are we always looking at ourselves as being less than other people?

What changed my life was when I discovered that nobody is better than you and nobody is smarter than you.

People are just smarter in different ways.

People have different talents and abilities.

When I was going to school there was a boy who got top grades in every class.

He got scholarship to the best university

And he never worked, he was very friendly and he never worked, he always got top grades.

If he got 99% in any examination, he would be angry with himself because he always got 100%.

Today he sells used cars on a small car lot in a small town.

And thats when hes been doing for 20 years selling used cars.

Me? I didnt even graduate from school and Im doing better than his.

Heres my point. Heres my point.

Nobody is better than you and nobody is smarter than you.

He just had figured out he had learned how to study.

And studying is a skill.

You can actually take its course in study skills.

And if you take the course in study skills, youll get straight A s from that on.

If nobody ever gave you a course in study skills then you may have gotten poor grades in schools.

And even today 20 or 30 years later, youll still think well, Im not very smart because I didnt get good grades in school.

And what that does it cause you to put your foot on your own brakes and hold yourself back.

You set it big goals. You set little goals instead of persisting you quit.

Instead of becoming really successful, you think of excuses and reasons why its not possible.

Oh, Im too young Oh, Im too older I didnt go to college or university or I didnt come from a rich home or Im not handsome or Im not beautiful or something.

We always think of reasons to hold ourselves back.

I would like to tell you that there are no reasons.

All of the reasons exist in your own mind.

They dont exist in reality.

Well so Ive traveled and I began to learn this law of cause and effect.

I would apply it in every business I ever went into.

The first question I asked is how do you succeed in this business?

And I would go to the top people in the business and I would say ask for their advice.

How do you succeed in this business? and they told me and I did it and I achieved success.

I would go to the library and I would check out all the books on real estate, importation and distribution, management, sales, sales management, business building, enterpriser ship.

I would check out all the books and I would read and read and read and read. And then I would go and practice.

And I said asked before who is the most important person in this room?

And youre right. You are the most important person.

What is the most important part of this day of this time we spent together?

The answer is the actions you take afterwards.

The most important part of what you learned is not the content of what you learned.

Its the action that youll take.

All successful people are action-oriented.

Theyre constantly taking action on new ideas.

Now if you take action on a new idea, only two things can happen.

What are they? Well, you can succeed or you can fail.

If you succeed, you do more of that.

If you fail, you learn and become smarter which makes it more likely you succeed next time.

So you cannot lose by taking action

You can only lose by not acting at all.

And the majority of people dont take action.

The majority of people will hear good ideas.

But then theyll always have an excuse for not taking action today.

Many years ago, I spoke with Rich Devos, founder Amway Corporation.

And we were talking about the subjects.

And he said to me, he said that we have determent in our business that theres a direct relationship between how quickly a person takes action on a new idea.

And how likely it is that theyll ever be successful at any things.

What we found is that people who hear a new idea and take action within 24 hours will take action on other ideas as well.

But ever person hears a new idea and doesnt do anything with it for a few days.

The chances are noting will ever happen.

He said action-orientation is the key.

The best studies have been done in the last 50 years looking at successful people whose lives are going better and better.

And unsuccessful people whose live are flatting out.

They find the successful people have one quality.

Theyre always taking action. Theyre always doing more things.

So if you hear something good tonight, be sure to take action on it and taking action is as fast as you can because that soon become a habit.

And when you develop the habit of action-orientation

Youll accomplish more in the next 2 or 3 years than the other person who accomplishes in 10 or 20 years.

Action-orientation transforms your lives.

Well when I learned from this law of cause and effect was this.

Thoughts are cause and conditions the conditions of your life are the effects.

Your thinking creates your life.

And this is the greatest thought in history.

This is the greatest thought of all the religions and all philosophy and all physiology and all success is that your thoughts create your life.

That you can actually change your life by changing the thoughts that you think because your life always goes in the direction of your thinking.

So here is the greatest rule for success.

It is that you become what you think about most of the time.

So the question is what do you think about most of the time?

What do you think about most of the time?

By the way this law is true.

But it is not 100% true.

Because if it was 100% true then every young man would turn into a young woman by the age of 20.

So the question is what do you think about most of the time?

Well, in the last 25 years big companies have spent many millions of dollars searching for the answer to the question.

Several companies some years age put together to pull of more than 20million dollars.

And what they wanted to is discover what top sales people think about most of the time?

Top business people, top enterprisers

Because if theyre going to hire sales people or business people,

They wanted to have a profile that will help them make better hiring decision.

So they interviewed more than 350,000 people like you.

And they were interviewing them every week for 6 weeks or 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, 24 months.

And once each week they would phone them often that would say

What are you thinking about right now?

And the person would say what Im thinking about this and they would write it down.

One week later then we would call and say What are you thinking about right now?

They would do this every week for many months.

And gradually they began to see a profile.

And they then took this group of people and they sliced them up into 10%,

The bottom 10%, the next 10%, and finally the top 10%.

And you are in the top 10%.

So they looked at the way people in the top 10% think most of the time.

And can you guess with the top people the happiest highest paid most successful people think about most of the time?

Can you guess?

Well the answer is they think about what they want and how to get it most of the time.

Then you say thats too simple?

No, its the key to success.

Its successful people think about what they want and how to get it.

They think about their making more money and doubling their income

They think about health and they think about their family,

They think about their home, they think about their car,

They think about what they want most of the time and they think about how to get it.

And I want to share with you a word which already knows.

And this is the most important word for success. Are you ready?

Its the word how

So from now on, whenever you have a goal the only question you ask is how

Whenever you have a problem, the only question you ask is how do I solve it?

When if you want to double your income, the only question you ask is how do I double my income?

So I want you to say the word, say how

Now say it again. How wonderful!

From now on, whenever those anything in your life that you want to change, the only question you ask is how

Because how is the question of the top 10%.

How is the question of the self-responsible person.

How is the question of the action-oriented person.

The person who asks how is one of the top people in our society.

Everyone works for and under the people who think in terms of how

Heres a good point.

Every goal that you could ever have has already been achieved by someone.

Every problem you could ever have has already been solved by someone.

Every question you could ever ask has already been answered by someone.

Your question is simply to ask how

How did others do it?

And theres rule in success that says success leaves tracks

In other words, therere tracks to any kind of success you want and your job is to find the tracks and follow the tracks to double your income, to create a wonderful life.

All the answers have been found.

And nobody is better than you, nobody is smarter than you.

If someone is doing better than you today, theres simple explanation.

They figured out how before you did. Thats all.


And heres another discovery.

Anything anyone elses done you can do as well.

If they have done it that means you can do it.

Were not talking about being an Olympic athlete.

Were not talking about winning a novel prize in physics.

Were just talking about being a big success in life.

And if there are hundreds of thousands or millions of other people who are successful starting from very little, it means that you can do as well.

As long as you keep asking the question how so we find the interviewed these people that they have the top people have one special quality.

And this is the quality that makes South Korea one of the greatest countries in the world today.

Not because of size but because of your accomplishments.

20 years ago, 50 years ago South Korea was a very different country from today.

Today, South Korea is one of the most respected countries in the world.

And soon if your coach works out, South Korean soccer team will be on of the most respected soccer teams in the world. right?

If Guss Hiddink can get everybody working together,

Soon you sill be one of the top even not the number one soccer team in the world.

Its going to happen because Guss Hiddink has only one question and thats How

How do we make this world class soccer team? right?

So we ask what is the most important quality for success, happiness and long life?

Can you guess what the most important quality is?

Well, the answer is very simple.

In interviewing tens of thousands of successful people they find the number one quality is the quality of optimism

Successful people are optimistic.

Theyre positive about themselves and their future.

They think about what they want most of the time and they are what we called realistic optimist.

That means they recognized that there are a lot of problems in the world

But they are realistic and they are optimistic about solving the problems and achieving their goals. so what we earned is this.

Is that optimism is the quality of mind.

And you can compare your mind with your body in this way.

As you can have physical fitness, just as you can have mental fitness.

Now if you want to be physical fit, you exercise physically

That is how you become physically fit and you must you might have to exercise for a long time.

If you want to become mentally fit which is if you want to become an optimist, you have to exercise mentally as well.

And so we find that optimist have three special ways of thinking.

That you can practice and when you practice them you become an optimist.

When become an optimist, you are happier, you are more successful, you have higher self-esteem, and you like other people more, other people like you, and want to do business with you.

When you are an optimist, every door opens for you.

If you are pessimist, every door closes.

By the way before I tell you the keys to optimism to leaning how to become an optimist,

Can you guess what unhappy, negative, unsuccessful people think about most of the time?

Well, the answer is they think the opposite way from optimists.

Optimists think about what they want, how to get it.

Pessimists think about what they dont want, their problems, and whos to blame.

Optimists think about the future and where theyre going.

Pessimists think about the past and who hurt them in the past.

Optimists let go over the past because they cant do anything about it.

Pessimists hold onto the past because its all they have.

So your job is to let go over the past.

One of the greatest rules for success life is dont spend any time worrying about something that you cant change.

And you cant change the past.

So instead of worrying about the past and what happen and whos to blame

And thinking about how you couldve done it differently.

Instead let it go and focus on where youre going.

Theres wonderful little line that says this.

When you turn toward the sunshine, the shadows fall behind you.

Your job in life is to turn toward the sunshine which say think about what you want.

So here are the three keys.

1.     Think about what you want and how to get it most of the time
that will keep you positive and optimistic.

2.     Look for the good in every situation.
Look for the good in every person.
Developed habit of saying the words
Thats good!
whenever something goes wrong.
For example, you find out that your house burn out.
Well, thats good
you needed house close to work anyway.
Your car got stolen.
Well, thats good! The ashtrays full anyway

You lost your job,
Well, thats good! because you didnt like the job anyway.
So keep looking for something good.


Let me ask you a question.

Does anybody have in their home a demon switch that you turn up and down to increase the light low the light.

Does anybody have a demon switch at home?

Okay, say yes

Everybody has a demon switch.

If you dont have a demon switch, you know what it is, alright?

So you notice they have a demon switch in this room.

They keep changing the lights up and down.

The person who is operating in this demon switch is smoking something.

So hes having a good time, hes turning to switch up and down.

Heres the rule.

When you turn the demon switch up, its bright.

When you turn it down, its dark.

You have a demon switch on your brain as well.

When you think about what you want and how to get it, your demon switch goes on full.

When your mental demon switch is fully light, youre more creative, youre more positive, you have more energy, you are more personable and friendly, you are more intelligent,

You are the best person you can possibly be when your demon switch is on full.

And whenever you think about what you want and how to get it, your demon switch goes on full.

Whenever you think or look for the good in a difficult situation, your demon switch goes on full.

By the way heres the rule.

If you look for something good in a difficult situation, youll always find it.

Youll always find it.

Youll always find something good if you look for it.

And when you find it, your demon switch all go on full.


Heres the third key to becoming a complete optimist.

And it is to look for the valuable lesson in every difficulty or problem that you have.

Let me repeat.

Look for the valuable lesson in every problem or difficulty that you have.

And a couple of things will happen.

First, while youre looking for the lesson, your demon switch will go on full and youll be positive, youll be creative, youll be high-energy.

If youre looking for whos to blame and who, what went wrong your demon switch goes right down to negative.

When your demon switch is down low you become angry, you become fearful, you become worried, you become impatient and so on.

So your job is to keep your demon switch on full most of the time.

Successful people are people who make a habit of thinking the thoughts that keep their demon switch on full rather than allowing themselves to think thoughts that make them feel unhappy.

So, I had a friend

What he told me that every time God wants to send you a gift.

He wraps it up in a problem.

And if God want to send you a big gift which it means a really valuable lesson. He wraps it up in a big problem.

So I know that many of you feel you have too many gifts right now.

But if you look into every problem as a gift, youll always find to gift.

And I want to give you an exercise.

First of all, question.

Does anybody here have any problems?

Of course, we all have problems.

It is normal and natural to have problems.

All of life is continuous series of problems.

The only interruption in this series of problems is the occasional crisis.

So if youre living in normal life, youll have a crisis every 2 or 3 months.

It will be problem, problem, problem, problem, problem ,problem, crisis , problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, problem, crisis

So your life will be series of problems and crisis.

Which means by the way that everyone in this room is either in a crisis right now or you just got out of the crisis or youre just about to have a crisis.

And thats the way the world works.

The only thing that matters is how you deal with the problems and crisis.

So I want you to think about your problems.

And imagine that your problems are like a stack of dishes, a stack of plates.

Theres always one plat on top.

This is the biggest problem that you have in your whole life.

I want you to think about your problems and say alright.

What is the biggest problem I have today?

This is the problem that causes you to the most worry.

This is the problem that makes through the unhappy.

This is your biggest problem in your life.

Sometimes its a financial problem.

Sometimes its a relationship problem.

Sometimes its a health problem.

But I want you to think about your biggest problem just for a moment.

And then I want you to imagine that this problem was designed just for you on the other side of the universe.

And it was designed by a great power in the universe.

That wants you to be successful and happy.

And this power knows that for you to be successful and happy.

You have to learn a series of lessons.

This power also knows that you will not learn a lesson unless it hurts in some way, unless you suffer emotional pain or financial pain or physical pain, unless you suffer in some way you will not learn.


So biggest problem you have today has been designed by this power

And send to you at this moment to teach you and lesson that you need to learn to be successful and happy in the future.

The only question is Are you going to learn the lesson?

Or Does your problem have to get bigger and bigger before you learn the lesson?

Because this power is very patient.

This power would send you the lesson you need at a low level with a small amount of pain

But if you dont learn the lesson it would come around and would come back at a higher level with more pain.

If you still dont learn the lesson that would come around and back

And it would hurt even more until you finally say stop hitting me, Ive learn my lesson

And once you learn your lesson, you then go on to the next problem.

Where you were than get another lesson in your whole life, every problem that you ever have contains a lesson and if you look for the lesson, your demon switch goes on full,

And you become more positive, you become more powerful, you become more confident,

You become more experienced, you become more intelligent by simply searching for the lessons in every problem that you have.

And every problem contains a lesson.


Now if you want to have tremendous positive influence on other people, heres a very simple way.

Especially your friends, your business associates, your down lines and your children, this help them be clear about what they want

And encourage them to think and talk about what they want most of the time.

When your friends or your family have problems, help them to look for the good in the problem and while youre both looking for good, both of your demon switches would go on full.

And finally if you have a person in your life who has a problem, ask them this question.

What lesson are you meant to learn from this problem?

What lesson is contained in this problem that is just for you?

And my promise is youre always finding the lesson.

And the lesson will be the greater value than the cost of the problem.



Does anybody know what I am talking about so far?

This makes sense. Ok.

So this is the way the top people think most of the time.

This is the way the top people think.

Now optimists have two special qualities optimists as I said are realistic but optimists also have, what we called, an unrealistic expectation of success

They expect to be successful.

In reading hundreds of stories of man and women who have achieved great success in life

Most of them came from very limited backgrounds.

Most of them had no advantages when they started off in reading hundreds of story, you find one common quality among successful people is they expect to be successful.

No matter what happens, no matter how many time they have setbacks and difficulties,

They keep coming back because they expect to be successful.

They have unrealistic expectations of success.

Even if everything seems to be against them, they still believe that theyre going to be successful.

And they never let go over that idea.



Imagine that your mind was like a computer

And as you know, a computer runs on the programs that are put into computer

So imagine that there was a computer store that sold beliefs because your mind runs on your beliefs.

If you have positive optimistic beliefs, thats how you run your life.

If you have negative or fearful beliefs, thats how you life runs.

So imagine there was a special computer store.

And you could go down and you could buy a special belief for yourself and programming in to the back of your com mental computer.

What would be the very best belief for you to have?

Well, Ive thought about this for 24 years.

And my answer is the best belief for you to have is this.

Is that youre going to be really successful and really happy in your life.

If you have this belief, the belief is I am going to be really successful and really happy in my life.

If you have this belief, you will act in a way consistent with this belief.

You will do the things consistent with your belief.

And you will eventually have a happy and successful life.

So the most important belief you can have and its the same belief that all top people have throughout history

Is that you are going to be a big success in life.

Thats your belief.

If you believe that youre going to be a big success, it will trigger two special behaviors.

Special behavior No.1 is that you will try more things.

You will try more different things. You will talk to more people.

You will make more calls. You will read more books.

You will take more actions. You will set more goals, you will try more things.

In our society we believe a lot in luck.

When we see someone who is successful, we say that person was lucky.

And we do all kinds of things so we can be sure of having as much luck in our life as possible.

However when I went to university in the 30s,

I took a course on the subject of what is called probabilities.

And its very difficult course to take.

Dose anybody take in this course in school probability theory.

Its a dont take the course. Its a terrible course

But you have towhatwhat they teach you is a

Theres probability of everything happening.

Theres a probability of you living to eighty-years-old.

Theres a probability of you driving your car without an accident for a year.

Theres a probability that lightning would strike somewhere.

Theres a probability that youll become rich in the course of your life time.

Now your job and my job are to increase the probabilities for the things we want to happen.

Heres the discovered.

If you try more things, and you try more different things, you increase the probability of success.

And when youre successful, its not luck.

Its just that you try more things.

If you try more things, you increase the probability that youll try the right thing at the right time with the right resources.

If you try only a few things, you lower the probability of success.

You and I cant control what is going to work and what is not going to work.

We cant control what would be successful and what would not be successful.

But we can control the number of different things that we try.

And if you control the number of things that you try, and you try more things,

Be extension youll guarantee your success.

Every successful person is an optimist, who tries lots of things,

Because he believes he is destine to be successful. So try more things.

Now the second quality of optimists is that they persist longer than other people.

As a matter of fact, optimists never quit.

Optimists continue to persist week after week, month after month, year after year,

Optimists never give up. They just never quit.

It is the greatest of all rules for success is first of all try more things and second of all never give up.

Now here something Ive learn when I began studying this subject in psychology many years ago.

I found that if you get into a traffic accident, its too late to take a course in first aid. Ok? Its too late.

If you want to be useful at a traffic accident, you must take your first aid course before the accident.

Its the same thing in life.

You are going to have many problems and setbacks and temporary failures. These will happen.

And if when they happen, its too late to then decide what youre going to about.

So here is the secret is make a decision know

That when I have a problems in the future,

I am not going to stop, I am not going to quit.

Im going to set a goal to double my income, and then Im going to double it again.

And no matter how many problems I have, I will just keep going, I will not quit.

If you make that decision in your conscious mind, it would be accepted as a command by yourself conscious mind.

Then when you go out and you have setbacks and difficulties, youre all ready programmed.

And you can immediately respond and you dont quit.

When I learn this in my early 20s, it had an enormous impact on my life.

From then on I made a decision that when I set a goal, Ill never quit.

I will simply never quit.

And I dont have anymore intelligence or ability than you do.

But I do know one thing is I just never quit.

I mean you can shoot me boom that but I wont quit.

I will just keep on going like. Soso that must be your decision as well.

You make a decision when you decided that you want something in your life.

You want to double your income.

That youre going to double your income and you will not quit.

Youll just keep on trying more things until you succeed. And if you make that decision,

Your success is guaranteed. Your success is guaranteed.

Ok let me ask.

Now Im going to give you a quick test.

Im going to ask you to write down your 3 most important goals in life right now.

Please take out your piece of paper, your pad.

And write down your 3 most important goals in life right now.

You have 30 seconds to write. You now have 20 seconds left.

Write quickly.

If you cant think of 3 goals, just write money, money, money.

You have 10 seconds left. 5 seconds, 4, 3, 2, 1 stop.

Now this is a special method of goal setting that you can use all your life.

We this has discovered that if you only have 30 seconds to write down your 3 most important goals,

Your answers will be as accurate as if you have 30 minutes or 3 hours.

When you are forced to write down your 3 most important goals,

Your true goals will emerge on the paper.

Now let me see if I can guess what your 3 goals were.

In 80 percent of cases, your 3 goals will be a financial goal, a health goal, and a relationship or family goal, right?

And the reason for that is simple. Those are the 3 main areas of your life.

Now I want to tell you something else.

If I were to ask you what are your 3 biggest problems in life?

Your 3 goals are the solutions to your 3 problems.

If you achieve the 3 goals, youd solve your 3 biggest problems.

One last point is remember we said the successful people think about the future and where theyre going

When you write down those three goals hat tell you your future.

Because both consciously and unconsciously each day you are moving toward achieving those goals.

Even if youre not even thinking about it,

Youre still working toward achieve thoseachieve those.. achieving those goals.

because those are your self-conscious goals.

Youre moving toward them and theyre moving toward you.

Well, what I want you to do and

Heres the exercise is for the next 24 hours I want you to think about those 3 goals all the time.

I want you to think about the 3 goals and I only want you to ask 1 question.

And the question is how yes, yes thats how.

You are good students.

Now weve interviewed the top 10 percent and as I said youre in the top 10 percent.

Weve interviewed the top 10 percent extensively.

And ask them what do you think about most of the time?

And we find that the top 10 percent of people have a special way or several special ways of thinking most of the time.

These are all learnable ways of thinking.

You can learn to think like the top people.

And when you think like the top people, you will get the same result as the top people.

Its a law that says that your outer world will always be a mirror or every reflection of your inner world.

So therefore your outer world today is a reflection of what youre thinking about today most of the time.

If you change what youre thinking, if you reprogram, then your outer world will change. So its consistent with your inner program.

Its sort of like projecting on a screen.

Imagine that your eyes are (were) projection lens.

The screen is your reality or your world

And your thoughts are what a projected through your eyes under the screen.

You always project yourself under the screen of your life.

Wherever you look, you see yourself. Wherever you look,

There is yourself reflected back.

So how do top people think most of the time?

They have what we called orientations now and orientation is a general way of thinking.

And the first orientation is what we called future orientation.

That means that top people think about the future most of the time.

Top people think about where theyre going most of the time.

But top people have a special way of thinking about future and the special way is this.

Is they imagine a perfect future for themselves.

They imagine a happy future. they imagine an ideal future for themselves.

So heres an exercise. Imagine that you have a magic one.

And then you could wave this magic on over the future.

And you could pick a day five years from now.

And five years from now, your life will be perfect in every way.

If your life was perfect in everyway life a magic one. What would it look like?

What would you be doing in five year if your life was perfect?

How much money would you have if your life was perfect?

What kind of family or marriage would you have if your life was perfect?

What kind of home would you live in?

What kind of car would you drive?

How much money would you have in the back?

How much money would you be earning?

Who would you be with in five years?

Who would you no longer be with in five years?

If.. if your life was perfect in everyway what would it look like?

Now the greater clarity you have with regard to the answer to this question.

The faster you move toward it, the faster it moves toward you.

The greater clarity you have, the easier is to make decisions.

The greater clarity you have of your future vision for your life,

The easier is for you to learn lessons.

Now I flew here from Los Angeles yesterday morning. I left Los Angeles,

And when the plane left and got into the air,

The pilot came already said ladies and gentlemen, we will be arriving in Seoul in 12 hours and 37 minutes

12 hours and 37minutes and then the plane started.

Now if you know anything about airplanes,

You know that airplane was off course 99 percent of the time.

00 percent of the time, the airplane was off course.

All airplanes are off course 99 percent of the time.

So the pilots are continually bringing the plane back course.

They have winds that move the plane,

They have turbulence and clouds they go up and down.

So the plane is off course 99 percent of the time

But can you guess when the planes arrive in Seoul?

How long the flight took? 12 hours and 37 minutes.

And the plane landed in the Seoul airport,

Exactly to the minute that they predicted in Los Angeles when the plane took off even though it was off course most of the time.

When you have a clear vision for your future,

And you know what your perfect future will look like,

Youll be off course most of the time.

Youll be making mistakes and youll be trying more things,

And youll be learning lessons, and you have temporary setbacks,

And youll have difficulties, and youll be learning from every experience,

And youll be getting off course and on course and off course and on course.

And just at the right time, youll achieve your goal.

Youll arrive at the airport of your goal exactly the way you thought,

As long as youre clear about your destination.

Imagine if I took off in a Korean airline plane.

And the pilot came on and said thank you for flying with Korean air. We dont know where were going so were going to fly around for a while and see if we find anything nice

Thats how most live their lives.

Theyre (driving) flying a plane your mind that can take you across the world with great accuracy.

But because they dont have a destination, they just go around in circles.

How many times have you met someone and then met them again 5 years later.

And their life is still the same. They still have the same problems.

They still have no money. They still have problems at work 5 years later, nothing has changed. Theyre just going around in circles.

Now an air plane goes around in circles until what happens?

It runs out of fuel and then it crashes.

Do you know that air planes do not coast?

Jets have to be moving at about two hundred and fifty kilometers and hour in all the land.

If they slow below 250 kilometers, they fall like a stone out of the air.

And they go splat.

If every you take a flight, and they say

Ladies and gentlemen, the life jackets are under the seat

In case of any emergency water landing

Proceed to the emergency exit door and put on you life jacket

Blow it up BU- like this

Have you seen those? It never happens.

Those warnings work for 50 or 100 years ago

When they had little planes, when they had (prop) propeller planes.

And there was a chance, a very small chance that one of these planes would land on water.

Today jets dont land on water.

Jets fall out of the sky like a bottle falling from the top of a hotel onto a concrete parking lot.

And they go splat.

Anyway most people fly around in circles until they run out of gas or run out of life.

And then they just crash and then never accomplish anything.

But when you have a clear destination with the same intelligence

As a person who is a genius with the same intelligence

You can fly straight and clear and true like an arrow to your target.

So, first of all, have your future-orientation and just imagine your perfect future.

And dont worry about people who say its not possible, youre too young, youre too old

Dont listen to negative people.

What you say is if someone else can do it, I can do it as well.

And then you look around then you find someone whos done it.

And youd go and ask them for their advice.

And successful people will always give you advice.

Theyll always tell you what to do.

And if you just do it other successful people do,

Youll soon get the same results that other successful people get.

By the way, heres a quick point.

Rich Divoce of Armway also told me this

He said If youre not going to commit for 5 years to this business.

He said dont get into it at all

He said it takes five years to master any new business.

And this is based on years of research.

If you decide to become a sales person, itll take you 5 years to master it.

If you decide to became a layer, itll take you 5 years after you graduate

Before youll (become) begin to become successful.

If you decide to become a doctor, after all your train

Itll still take 5 more years before youre successful.

So therefore, if youre not willing to commit 5 years,

Dont start at all.

Alright, well so developed future-orientation and think about the future most of the time.

If someone has a problem, you say okay, whats the solution?

And think about the future.

When someone makes a mistake, you say okay, you made a mistake

Next time? In the future why dont we do it this way?

Keep thinking about the future. And when youre thinking about the future your demon switch is on full. And youre happy and youre more positive.

And you have more energy. Youre more creative.

Youre the best person that you can be.

Almost all of our problems in life come from people who are talking about the past

Theyre worrying about the past, theyre angry about the past.

Theyre critical about the past.

They keep talking about the past.

Dont be like that. Think about the future.

Now the second quality of top people is top people are goal-oriented.

Top people are goal-oriented in that they think about their goals most of the time.

They think about their goals and how to achieve them most of their time.

So let me give you a simple seven step formula for setting and achieving goals.

There are many more elaborate or bigger formulas.

But Ill give you a seven step formula that you can write it down one of the back pages of your book.

Step number one is to decide exactly what you want.

Most people have no idea of what they really want.

They say well, I want to make more money

But thats not a goal. Thats just a wish or fantasy.

They say I want to be healthy but thats not a goal. These are not goals.

Okay? A goal is something that is very clear and measurable.

So decide exactly what you want.

Number is to write it down. Write it down on paper.

They very act of taking a goal and writing it down increase the likelihood.

The probability of achieving it by 10 times by 1000 percent.

So write it down.

Number three is set it deadline.

Set it date at which youll achieve the goal.

Sometimes people say well what if I write (it) deadline and I dont achieve it by the deadline?

Then you set a new deadline.

And you keep set in new deadlines until you finally come to the right deadline.

So number one is to decide what you want.

Number two is to write it down.

Number three is to set it deadline.

If you just do that, youre off separated yourself from most of the people in the world.

Number four is to make a list.

Make a list of everything that you could think of to do, to achieve the goal.

Every step, every activity, every action write down.

Everything you can think of and as you think of new things later, write them on the list.

Keep writing in you list until your list is completed.

You cant think of anything else.

Number five is take your list and organize the list.

Organize the list by priority what do you have to do first?

Organize the list by sequence what do you have to do before you do something else.

And a list organized by priority and sequence is a plan.

So now you have a goal at a plan.

Now you move into the top 3% of people in the world.

You have a goal and a plan.

Step number five is take action immediately on your plan.

Take one step, take any step.

But do something immediately to start with the process moving.

Do you remember that Confucius once said A journey of a thousand leagues (miles) begins with a single step

What we all found in history is that the achievement of any great goal begins with a single step.

And then you take another step. And then you take another step.

And if you take enough steps, you could accomplish any goal in the world.

So number seven is to do something, take action on your goal everyday.

Every single day once you have decided on your goal.

And lets say that your goal is to double your income.

Okay? Once you have decided to double your income.

Every single day do something that moves you in that direction.

Never let a day go past.

Seven days a week, 365 days a year do something everyday that moves you toward your most important goal.

If you can do that, you change your life.

Because heres the wonderful thing.

When you have a clear future vision and then you break it down on paper into goals and then you do something everyday that moves you towards your goal, you feel happy, you feel powerful, your self-esteem goes up, you feel confident.

Your demon switch goes on full.

You become more optimistic and more creative.

Your whole world works better with a goal.

And the reason most people are unhappy today is because they dont have any goals

Just like the (the ships pilot) the aircraft pilot not having a destination.

He was just going in circles.

So Ill go to give you an exercise. Oh, this is good stuff.

What I want you to do before the end of the day, before you go to a bed tonight,

I want you to take a sheet of paper.

And the top of the sheet of paper, write the word Goals

And then write todays day.

Then I want you to write down 10 goals.

Write down 10 goals that youd like to accomplish in the next year.

You can write more than 10, if youd like.

But you write at least 10.

This is the only real exercise Im going to give you.

And if you do this, it will change your life.

Write down a list of 10 goals.

So I want you to promise me that before you go to bed tonight,

Youll make a list of 10 goals.

Promise me, say yes

Now even if your line say yes

I gave this exercise to a seminar of 500 women at a convention some years ago.

Two months later I met a woman who admitted at seminar.

And they were sharing rooms in the hotel. She was sharing a room with another woman.

They had come from different parts of the country.

And theyre sharing a room to keep expenses down.

She said my whole life has changed since I wrote my 10 goals

She said Its wonderful. I have accomplished half of the goals. Im making twice as much money

She said My life is transformed she said but let me tell you a story

She said when I got back to my room that night with my roommate

And Were all said yes Ill write down 10 goals.

She said thats just silly, that doesnt work, thats just something he says in conventions

She said on, no. she said I promised to write down my 10 goals

She said oh, dont waste your time.

She said no, I said Id do it, and Im going to do it

So she wrote down the 10 goals.

Well the unfortunate part of this story is this is the woman who didnt write down the 10 goals had left business and gone back to working as a waitress in a café.

The woman who wrote down the 10 goals had transformed her life and doubled her income in 2 months.

So once youve written down your 10 goals,

Theres one more part of the exercise.

I want you to look at your list of goals and I want you to ask this question.

Which one goal on this list if I could achieve it within 24 hours

Will have the biggest positive impact or effect on my life?

Which one goal?

And you read your list of goals and you pick the one goal that if you could achieve that, youll write it at the top of a new piece of paper.

And then you set it deadline.

And then you make a list of everything you can think of to achieve that goal.

And then you organize the list by priority and sequence.

And then you take action on that goal and you do something everyday.

If youll follow this formula that Ive just given you.

Write down 10 goals, select the most important goal.

Make a plan to achieve that most important goal and do something everyday.

My promise to you is in a week, a month, a year from now.

Your whole life will be different. You will never be the same.

This changed my life. Its changed the life of every person who is ever practiced it.

As long as you dont make an excuse not to write down your 10 goals before you go to bed because Im coming over to your house tonight to check.

Now the last orientation I want to share with you is excellence-orientation.

Excellence-orientation means that you must commit to excellence to be successful.

You must decide that whatever you do for a living youre going to be the best at what you do.

Now when I talk about Be the best or Commit to excellence.

I mean commit to getting into the top 10% in your business, the top 10% in terms of income.

Now you can find out how much the top 10% of people make.

And remember youre already in the top 10% in terms of your thinking.

And thats whats most important.

So decide to commit to excellence and getting into the top 10%.

This was a major problem for me.

When I was growing up, I failed in school, I failed in sports, I had no friends.

I got fired form jobs more time than I can count.

And so the idea of excellence was a too big idea for me.

I didnt believe that I was good enough to be good

That I was good enough to be excellent at anything

And so I would always hold myself back and I always had an excuse not to try.

And then I learned something that changed my life.

I learned that everybody whos in the top 10% started in the bottom 10%.

Everybody who is at the top of your field was once not even in your field or business at all.

And anything that anyone else is done, you can do it as well.

When I learned that, it changed my life.

What I learned was that if you decide to be excellent, you can become excellent.

As long as you dont quit, As long as you dont give up,

So heres how you change your life and change you future.

Ask yourself of all the skills that I need to be successful.

What one skill will help me the most?

What one skill if I did it in an excellent way will help me the most to get into the top 10%?

What one skill if you developed and did it

Will help you to double your income more than any other skill?

And whatever that is, writes it down as a goal.

And set it deadline to become excellent in that area.

And make a list of all the things that you can do to achieve the goal.

And then organize the list into a plan, and then take action on your plan.

And then do something everyday until you become excellent in that area.

Remember nobodys better than you, nobodys smarter than you.

If somebody else is excellent in that area, you can become excellent in that area as well.

Yeh, let me tell you two things that are very important.

Can anybody here drive a car by the way?

Can you ride a bicycle?

Can you use a computer or cell phone?

Okay. If you can do any of those things, you can learn any business skill.

Business skills are not like athletics where you have to have special ability or music where you have to have special talent.

Business skills are learnable skills.

All business skills are learnable by anyone. Anyone can learn to ride a bicycle.

Anyone can learn to drive a car. Anyone can learn any business skill.

All business skills are learnable.

And nobody is better than you, nobodys smarter than you.

Now here is the second point.

You could be only one skill away from doubling your income.

You could be only one skill away from doubling your income.

And you probably know what that skill is.

You probably know what it is.

So ask yourself this question what one skill.

If I was really good at it will help me the most to double my income.

Now?  For all entrepreneurs that means we are all in business of sales.

We are all in sales everyday.

We sell ourselves. We sell our ideas. We try to influence other people.

Anybody who says that Im not in sales just has not understood. Everyone is in sales.

How many people here have children?

Have you ever tried to make you children go to bed at night?

Yes. Dose that require sales?

That require is tremendous persuasion skills to get your children to go to bed.

Anyway I have four children on my own, so I know.

So there are 7 parts of the sales process.

These 7 parts largely determine everything that happens to your own life.

So give yourself a grade of one to ten on the 7 key result areas of selling.

Number one is prospecting.

If youre in sales and you talk to a lot of people,

If you try more things and youre good at prospecting. Youre going to be big success.

Because the probabilities are that youre going to make a lot of sales.

Youre going to recruit a lot of people.

Youre going to have a successful business.

So thats number one. Give yourself a grade of one to ten.

One be in the lowest. Ten be in the heights.

Ten means that youre absolutely excellent at prospecting.

And one means that you have a lot of work to do.

Number two is establishing friendship and trust with other people.

Remember people are emotional.

People all only listen to you if they like you and they feel positive towards you.

And the more you like yourself, the more other people will like you.

So give yourself a scale of one to ten.

You have the kind of personality where you like everybody you need and everybody likes you.

Number three is identifying their needs.

By asking them questions and find it out

What it is they want to accomplish with their life.

What is it that they really want? What are their goals?

What are their hopes and dreams with regard to what you sell?

Once you clear about what it is they need,

Its much easier for you to show them your product or service.

Number four is presenting.

And this is where most sales are made is when you make the presentation.

When you show the person that what youre offering them,

Youll satisfy their needs better than anything else that they could look at.

So all of good selling is to find out what people need.

And show them that your product or service will help them together.

Number five is answering questions or objections.

Every prospective customer has objections.

And you have to learn how to answer those objections.

So give yourself a scale of one to ten.

At a ten, youre very good at answering questions.

With a one, youre not very good at all.

Number six is closing the sale or getting people to take action.

Many people think that all they do is

Have a conversation with another person about the business.

Thats the same is selling.

No!  youre only selling,

When you can get the other person to make a commitment to take action.

Remember that commitment to action is the end of all your activities.

That is your goal is to get other people to take action.

And finally number seven is to give that person good service and good support

So they not only buy more of your product

But they recommend other people to the business.

They recommend other people to your product or service.

So what a scale of one to ten, give yourself a grade and ask yourself

What is your weakest skill?

Because this is what we learned is your weakest key skill sets the high of your income.

Your weakest key skill in your business determines how much you earn.

Let me ask you a quick question.

If a group of children are going for a walk

Which child sets the speed of the entire group of children?

Well, the answer is its always the slowest child.

Their whole group has to slow down for the slowest child.

In your career, your weakest skill is your slowest child.

Your weakest skill sets the speed at which you achieve all your other goals.

So what you do is you say the one skill that will help me the most is my weakest skill.

Because I bring that skill up,

Itll help me to speed up toward my goal more than anything else.

Now, if you start I off and you identify your weakest skill,

And you work on it for a week, for a month, for a year,

Eventually youre master that skill.

Then what do you do? What is your next step?

But, your next step is you now say What is my weakest skill?

And you go to work on that skill.

And for the rest of your career,

You dedicate yourself to improving in one key area at a time.

And its always the one area that will help you more than any other area.

For the rest of your life, you keep bringing up your weakest skill.

And that will move you ahead faster in your life than any other strategy that you can use.

In our society, success only comes from being excellent at doing the most important parts of your job.

And you could be one skill away from doubling your income.

The final orientation is action-orientation.

As I said it at the beginning

And I said it in the middle and I now said it at the end.

The most important orientation of all is action-orientation.

You see the more action you take, the more energy you have.

The more action you take, the more experience you get.

The more experience you get, the more you learn.

The more you learn, the better you get.

The better you get, the better results you get from every action.

So soon you get onto an upward expiry in your life.

You try more things, you persist longer, you keep going, you never give up, you keep working toward goals and your life starts going faster and faster and faster.

Let me just finish up by saying this.

Right at the beginning is that South Korea is now entering into the greatest time in all of human history.

There are more opportunities and possibilities for you now and tomorrow and next year than have ever existed in all of history.

Everybody in this room can become financially independent if they really want to.

If you set it as a goal and you make a plan and you work on it everyday and you never give up.

Thank you very much.

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